North Yorkshire County Council


Shareholder Committee


Minutes of the remote meeting held on Tuesday, 18th January 2022 commencing at 12.00 pm.


County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair, plus County Councillors Gareth Dadd and Don Mackenzie.


Officers present: Richard Flinton, Gary Fielding, Barry Khan, Vicki Dixon and Melanie Carr.




Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book





Minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2021




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2021, having been printed and circulated, be confirmed as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.






Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.






Public Questions & Statements


There were no questions or statements from the public.






Brierley Group Quarter 2 2021/22 Performance Report


The report of the Assistant Director for Strategic Resources, providing a Quarter Two financial and performance update for 2019/20 for the companies that make up the Brierley Group.


Vicki Dixon, Assistant Director for Strategic Resources introduced the report, providing an overview of performance and highlighting the second quarter achievements and challenges for the individual companies.  She noted that for this financial year, the Group continued to outperform the position as of the end of 2020/21, and that Covid could affect the forecasted outturns.  She also drew members’ attention to the actual loss at Quarter 2 of £333K, against a budgeted loss of £1K, and the end of the financial year forecast which was slightly below the budgeted profit of £368K at a predicted £268K.


She went on to note some of the individual company’s key performance factors driving their financial performance, as detailed in the report e.g. the effect of Covid-19, the rising costs and availability of supplies, and labour shortages etc.


Members noted:

·            The Quarter 2 report now included the financial position for NY Highways, which was forecast to deliver a small profit by the end of the financial year;

·            A reduction in the number of highways complaints being received since the inception of NY Highways;

·            The apparent loss for Brierley Homes, which was considered a timing issue that would be addressed once the properties were sold;

·            Align had expanded some of its working relationships with the other Brierley Group companies, which showed the benefits of the Group working together, as built in to the business plan;

·            The strong performance of NYNet, its roll out of public wifi, and its ongoing work to develop closer relationships with other public sector organisations;

·            Yorwaste had addressed its driver recruitment and retention issues;

·            Veritau’s expansion of its customer base;


In regard to NYnet, Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources outlined the multiple benefits of the company managing the additional services on the Authority’s behalf, and Vicki Dixon agreed to provide a written response on why LFFN was not currently being marketed to Business Parks.


County Councillor Gareth Dadd noted that shareholder value was not just about the financial returns of £6m, but also about the performance to the Authority as its client and ultimately to the residents of North Yorkshire.


Members noted and endorsed the positive report, and thanked officers for the update. 






Work Programme


Members agreed the work programme for the Committee for the remainder of 2021/22.  The Leader also noted County Councillor Don Mackenzie’s contribution to the work of the committee and thanked him for his final attendance.





The meeting concluded at 12.18 pm.




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